Thursday, January 28, 2010

This week I chose praise, forgiveness, and intercessions as well. Praise was interesting this week because I found myself on a high after hearing our baby's heartbeat. I was definitely feeling inclined to praise all week, but I had been putting all my excitement on the actual baby. I knew I needed to give credit where credit is due (sorry, so cheesy) and Praise helped me say the Lord's name 70 or so times. After I finish this section each day, I can't help but know exactly who gets the thanks!

I chose forgiveness not because I needed to forgive others, but because I needed to be more humble about asking for forgiveness myself. It seems so wrong that the people closest to us get the worst versions of ourselves. It's backward and I take that for granted too often. They love me unconditionally and somehow I let that allow me to act like a jerk. Before this week, I wouldn't have even said I had anything specific to ask forgiveness for, but the holy spirit does his job. My heart has been opened to the ways I can be better, esp to those whose love is the most unconditional.

And intercessions- I'm with Padre Tim. Everywhere I look there is suffering. I sent a patient to Hospice last night and selfishly, I wanted him to stay at Grady. I will miss him and hope he stays alive long enough today to go visit him. I wrapped his rosary around his arm and will pray my own rosary for his last days to be less painful and more joyful. Haiti, Iraq, Afghanistan- devastation is everywhere. Sweet friends are desperate to have babies and can't. I like that through this part of Miracle Hour I can actually put into action the promises I make to pray. It makes me sit down, think of the people I have told, "I will pray for you" and actually (gasp) do it!

So that's Miracle Hour a la Sullivan/Ninness land. Sorry for the length. Short winded is not a compliment I often receive :)


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